Timing is everything. You can eat healthy, but if you eat too much before you exercise, you will feel lethargic and can have a stomach ache or upset stomach. On the other hand, if you do not eat anything before you exercise, you may feel weak, tired or weak.
To eat healthier and better preparation for the day, it's always smart to have a healthy breakfast. If you eat a big healthy food, eat at least three to four hours before exercise. If you only have two hours before the game, eating a small healthy meal. You also need to eat after exercise to help muscles recover. So what should you eat?
Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for your body so that you should eat healthy foods that are rich in carbohydrates and low in fat. Your body uses carbohydrates for energy. Good sources of carbohydrates are cereals, breads, vegetables, pasta, rice and fruit. Proteins and fats are the most consumed after exercise to restore your muscles. Some examples of foods high in protein are meat, dairy products and nuts.
Drinking water is also important. Unless you are doing strenuous exercise for more than 60 minutes, the water is better than sports drinks like Gatorade. To stay healthy and well hydrated during exercise, the American College of Sports Medicine recommends that: Drink plenty of fluids to balance the loss of fluid per day. You probably have more days where the temperature and humidity are high .drink 2-3 cups (0.5 to 0.8 liters) of water before your workout. Drink 2-3 cups (0.5 to 0.8 liters) of water after the workout for every pound (0.5 kg) of weight lost during exercise. Drink about 1 cup (0.25 liters) of water every 15-20 minutes during your workout. You might be more your body is not the time or need warmer. Each one is an individual and has to let your body be your guide to eating healthy foods and when.
Pay attention to what feels best for you. Might be a good idea to keep a food diary for a few days to see how much you eat and if you get all the nutrients you need. Two important nutrients that children need are calcium and iron.
Calcium helps build strong bones and iron give you energy. There is plenty of calcium in dairy products like milk, yogurt and cheese. Other good sources include green leafy vegetables and calcium-fortified products such as orange juice. Iron can be found in foods such as meat, beans and fortified cereals. Remember, without enough iron, you can get tired more easily. Do not go on a diet. When you're a child athlete your body needs every opportunity to grow to the size it was meant to be. If someone like a coach or a teammate suggests that you change your diet to put on or take off weight, talk to your parents or another trusted adult. Also avoid food supplements and aids. These could cause damage to a growing organization.
Eating healthy is not bad at all ages. When you're a child athlete are often busy and have difficulty finding the time to eat healthy. Talk to your parents and see what ideas you can find. You have a fridge with fresh fruit, water and a sandwich with whole wheat bread in the car is better than going through a fast food chain. Plan ahead, but worth it. Do not forget to take care of the teams of the most important of all - your body. If you do, you will do your best and feel better more important. Eat healthy!
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