Eat to lose weight

Eat to lose weight

Eat to lose weight

Modern life is increasingly busy with their sedentary habits, sensible eating that leads to obesity. To lose weight, you should frequently use the following foods in your diet every day will help you lose weight nhah and effective.

Eat to lose weight


Squash family Cucurbitaceae, oriental medicine called again, sweet, welding, in the scrap metal business, bladder, small intestine, without toxicity, which have the effect of conditions Pi, gas utility, pepper fishing . Where to eat zucchini period can remove excess water in the body, lose weight and fight obesity. The effective weight loss not fat zucchini, zucchini contain chemicals hyterin reason - caperic able to control the metabolic pathway of fats to avoid the accumulation of fat in the body against obesity.


In tomatoes contain a lot of nutrients and vitamins essential for health, but contain less fat and sweeteners. Sugar and citric acid in the tomato helps promote the metabolic process the defatting of the natural weight loss quickly and lycopene can inhibit the growth of fat cells and absorb excess fat accumulation in the body. Tomatoes can be included in daily diet to replace foods have too much fat


In the composition containing yam absolutely no fat and cholesterol should have the effect of inhibiting the metabolism of fat accumulation in the body.

In addition, sweet potatoes also contain persistent organic solvent belly feeling so fast, the hunger quickly repelled. Due to the above reasons that the sweet potato is considered the gold food to lose weight.


Bananas contain a lot of vitamins and minerals, especially bananas contain a lot of calories, 100 grams medium banana contains 91 calories. Bananas have a lot of calories in a banana should be able to provide enough for the body's activities increased satiety after meals, reducing food cravings of other things. Not only vātaḥ, potassium in bananas can stimulate the growth of muscles, enhances the accumulation of fat.


Apples contain malic acid helps break down fat cells accumulate in the body, can prevent weight gain.


Tofu contains a lot of vegetable protein, will easily eat into feeling full so it becomes a kind of botanical slimming with many advantages. The tofu also contains a large amount of trace elements are extremely rich in effect, may remove more water content, increasing the digestive function, is particularly effective in reducing the amount of fat in the abdomen

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