Coffee becomes a cause of death in this way


Coffee becomes a cause of death in this way

"Daily Mail" published a British medical report is one of the most dangerous of all, where refers to  roasted  coffee that contain  over 1000 chemical substance , including 19 carcinogen at least.

This, according to the report, leads to raise the chances of cancer is one of the most dangerous killer diseases at all.

The American Cancer Society also pointed out that the coffee roaster contain carcinogens acrylamide, which is formed during coffee roasting inside the factory designated for that purpose, and not inside the house during the preparation or restaurants.
American Society confirms that there are no protective devices can be followed to reduce the risk of coffee.

It is noteworthy that another study published in the newspaper "Daily Mail" also suggests that eating hot tea, which increases its temperature about 65 C, raises the chances of developing esophageal cancer doubled, which is something very serious, especially the tea of the most popular drinks on the level the world, and are often eaten hot.

Eat to lose weight

Eat to lose weight

Modern life is increasingly busy with their sedentary habits, sensible eating that leads to obesity. To lose weight, you should frequently use the following foods in your diet every day will help you lose weight nhah and effective.

Eat to lose weight


Squash family Cucurbitaceae, oriental medicine called again, sweet, welding, in the scrap metal business, bladder, small intestine, without toxicity, which have the effect of conditions Pi, gas utility, pepper fishing . Where to eat zucchini period can remove excess water in the body, lose weight and fight obesity. The effective weight loss not fat zucchini, zucchini contain chemicals hyterin reason - caperic able to control the metabolic pathway of fats to avoid the accumulation of fat in the body against obesity.


In tomatoes contain a lot of nutrients and vitamins essential for health, but contain less fat and sweeteners. Sugar and citric acid in the tomato helps promote the metabolic process the defatting of the natural weight loss quickly and lycopene can inhibit the growth of fat cells and absorb excess fat accumulation in the body. Tomatoes can be included in daily diet to replace foods have too much fat


In the composition containing yam absolutely no fat and cholesterol should have the effect of inhibiting the metabolism of fat accumulation in the body.

In addition, sweet potatoes also contain persistent organic solvent belly feeling so fast, the hunger quickly repelled. Due to the above reasons that the sweet potato is considered the gold food to lose weight.


Bananas contain a lot of vitamins and minerals, especially bananas contain a lot of calories, 100 grams medium banana contains 91 calories. Bananas have a lot of calories in a banana should be able to provide enough for the body's activities increased satiety after meals, reducing food cravings of other things. Not only vātaḥ, potassium in bananas can stimulate the growth of muscles, enhances the accumulation of fat.


Apples contain malic acid helps break down fat cells accumulate in the body, can prevent weight gain.


Tofu contains a lot of vegetable protein, will easily eat into feeling full so it becomes a kind of botanical slimming with many advantages. The tofu also contains a large amount of trace elements are extremely rich in effect, may remove more water content, increasing the digestive function, is particularly effective in reducing the amount of fat in the abdomen

Healthy Eating In Pregnancy

Healthy Eating In Pregnancy
Healthy Eating In Pregnancy

 Pregnancy can be termed as a heavenly feeling for any woman. You are in the process of creation. Therefore you must look good and feel good. Healthy pregnancy leads to the birth of a healthy baby. During this period of 9 months pregnant, you should be taking very selective and healthy food. No junk food should be taken, as it only creates problems and complications not know until we face them.

Now the question of what do you eat when you're pregnant from? Well, what you eat should contain the basic nutrients. Water, milk, yogurt are good is better to take low fat milk and yogurt. Many green vegetables should be a part of your daily diet. Protein is also another essential part of their diet. Fish, lamb and chicken are some good options. Red meat is unhealthy because it increases the risk of high cholesterol and fat in your body. Alcohol and snuff should be strictly avoided during pregnancy because it is not good for you and your unborn baby.

Pregnancy requires tender care and management. The more you take care of yourself the more you stay away from diseases and complications. A pregnant woman should have small meals and do not eat large meals in. Like when you eat a lot experience heartburn and uncomfortable feeling. So do your small meals and there is nothing wrong with eating as many times as you feel like eating. There is no restriction as to eat and when to eat. So you better make a plan for your meals. Perfect feeding routine consists of four to five times of food. First place in the early morning, at this time you can take a glass of warm milk and with it you can eat 1 or 2 cookies oatmeal. And if you do not feel like drinking milk, then you can make your self a cup of green tea. This will not only make you feel cool, but it will also help in preventing morning sickness.

A breakfast time medium bowl of oatmeal is an excellent choice, or may have a vegetable omelet with whole wheat bread and a glass of fresh juice of your choice. Tea is not as good an option as it causes heartburn and headaches. So better avoid it, but once a day you can drink a cup of tea. A lunch of grilled chicken breast, boiled vegetables, bread, pasta, lamb, fish, cooked backed beans, rice, lentil soup are healthy choices. The same is for dinner. The key is that all that you should eat healthy should have some nutritional value. Lots of spices, beverages and fats high cholesterol foods should be kept at a distance. Drink plenty of fresh water, it will help to properly remove the system, and help you not have constipation.

It says you do not have to put on extra weight during the first 6 months of pregnancy, what to eat only will your body and after 6 months what will eat directly help your baby gain weight and you will also notice a significant change in weight after 6 months. Therefore, it is best to eat healthy and sensibly. No fatty foods taken as once you put on weight will be very difficult for you to reduce after pregnancy. So to keep your car in good looking shape and eat wisely and sensibly. It is better to get more advice from your health nutritionist.

Here are some quick tips for healthy pregnancy that you should know.

o Talk to your doctor about how much weight you should gain during pregnancy.

• Eat foods rich in folic acid, iron, calcium and protein, or get these nutrients through a prenatal supplement

o Before taking any supplement not talk to your healthcare provider.

or Do not skip breakfast.

• Eat high fiber and drink plenty of water to avoid constipation food.

o Avoid raw egg, alcohol, raw fish, and high-mercury fish, soft cheeses, and everything that is not food.

o Try to do at least 30 minutes of moderate activity most days of the week. Talk to your doctor before starting.

o Continue to eat right after delivery, so you return to a healthy weight gradually. Not consider pregnancy as a disease, as its only a blessing and think to yourself as lucky to have been blessed by God with this beautiful gift of nature.


what is a healthy eating plan for pregnancy?

. A healthy eating plan contains a variety of foods from the five basic groups of food * Every day, you should try to eat:

6 or more servings of bread, cereal, rice or pasta.

One serving equals one slice of bread, 1 ounce of ready-to-eat cereal (about 1 cup of most cereals), or 1/2 cup cooked cereal, rice or pasta. If you are physically active, you can eat more servings (up to 11 servings if you are very active).

3-5 servings of vegetables.

One serving equals 1 cup of raw leafy greens like spinach or lettuce, or 1/2 cup chopped vegetables, cooked or raw.

2-4 servings of fruit.

A serving is one piece like an apple, banana or orange fruit median; 1/2 cup fresh chopped, cooked or canned; 1/4 cup dried fruit; 3/4 cup fruit juice 100 percent.

2 servings of milk, yogurt or cheese.

One serving equals 1 cup of milk or yogurt, 1 1/2 ounces of natural cheese like cheddar or mozzarella, or 2 ounces of processed cheese like American. If you are 18 years or younger and pregnant at least 3 servings of milk, yogurt and cheese are needed. Choose low-fat or nonfat dairy products more often.

2-3 servings of meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs or nuts.

One serving equals 2 to 3 ounces of meat, poultry, or the size of a deck of cards-about fish. Choose lean cuts and eat no more than 5-7 ounces of meat, poultry or fish a day. One cup of cooked beans, as beans or 2 eggs count as a portion. Four tablespoons peanut butter 2/3 cup of nuts also equals a serving.

At least 8 glasses of water.

Consumption of milk, 100 percent juice, seltzer or other non-alcoholic beverages account for its amount of water daily.

* Adapted from Department of Agriculture / Department Guide Health and Human Services U.S. of the Food Pyramid.

best ways to beat stress

best ways to beat stress

image source

we all know that stress can make people break their healthy habit and can affect what they eat and how much they eat , in this article we will talk about the stress and the best ways to beat it and keep your healthy body.

It would be unthinkable for anyone to say no today are subjected to stress. In today 's day and age , stress is an unwelcome part of our lives . And while it avoids stress is not entirely possible , there are ways on how you can deal with it in a positive way .

Not having enough time
Do you always feel like you have much to do, but just not enough time ? If you are constantly running around trying to complete tasks at work or at home ( or both) , you need to set realistic goals , work on your time management and try to stay as organized as possible .

Manage your time more effectively
Prioritizing tasks will make your life easier because you will have an idea that the first task to pursue and what can be put off until later. This way you will not waste time on unimportant tasks.

Carrying unhealthy living
Take a look at your daily habits . Does your lifestyle that leaves no choice but to adopt unhealthy habits ? Do not let lack of time affects your health - do not eat in a hurry , do not resort to junk food and do not smoke because you think that it will reduce your stress levels . Start by making small changes in your schedule, will go a long way to help get rid of bad habits.

taking too
Often takes things simply because they / we can not say no to people or let them down. This assumption translates into more things than they can handle. And that, in turn , leads to an additional as you try to balance all stress. Admit your limitations and avoid taking up that I can not handle.

Problems at work
When the mind , which may reflect in their work is disrupted. If you are facing a lot of pressure at work or malicious peers , it is best to talk to your superior about a solution. Avoid unnecessary conflict as much as possible and do his work for him as best she can.

Accepting a difficult situation
Our inability to accept things is one of the main reasons for stress. When you find out ( and agree ) that things are out of your control , you will realize that they are easy to accept that there is no point in worrying about them . Sometimes talking about a situation with another person can help you see things from a different perspective.

Not giving yourself enough time
We all need time for ourselves , no matter how busy we are . Taking a break , not only will give your body a break , but also help your mind relax . Also find that you can perform better after having a little " me time" .

Not seeing the funny side
Experts say that many of us have forgotten how to laugh . When was the last time you let go and laughed until your stomach hurt? The next time you may find yourself in a stressful situation , try to see the lighter side . Having a humorous view towards life will decrease the burden of daily stress. And make a habit of seeing or reading something fun every day - laughter is said to lower blood pressure and reduce stress hormones .

Avoid situations that cause you stress
Different things affect us. For some it could be a crowded train . bad traffic can highlight some people. Learn to work around these situations

Be Неаlthy bу Еаtіng Неаlthу Оrgаnіс Fооd

Be Неаlthy bу Еаtіng Неаlthу Оrgаnіс Fооd

organic food

Wіth thе сurrеnt lіfеstуlе wе hаvе thеsе dауs, thеrе іs nо quеstіоn whу mоrе аnd mоrе реорlе аrе lооkіng fоr wауs tо kеер fіt аnd hеаlthу dеsріtе аll thе strеss, іrrеgulаr mеаls аnd unhеаlthу fаst fооd сhаіns lurіng thеm tо kеер uр wіth thе fаst-расеd lіfе. Вut wіth thе flоurіshіng numbеr оf оrgаnіс fооd stоrеs, thеrе mіght bе hоре уеt fоr аll оf us.

Оrgаnіс Fооd: Тhе whаt’s аnd thе whу’s

Оrgаnіс fооds аrе, рrіnсіраllу, рrоduсеd wіthоut thе іnvоlvеmеnt оf аnу mоdеrn mаn-mаdе іnрuts suсh аs сhеmісаl fеrtіlіzеrs аnd sуnthеtіс реstісіdеs. А nаturаl оrgаnіс fооd іs nоt рrосеssеd wіth thе usе оf іndustrіаl sоlvеnts, сhеmісаl аddіtіvеs оr іrrаdіаtіоn. Моst реорlе bеlіеvе thаt fооds thаt аrе grоwn оrgаnісаllу аrе muсh sаfеr, tаstеs bеttеr аnd аrе mоrе nutrіtіоus соmраrеd tо thоsе grоwn іn а соnvеntіоnаl mаnnеr. Wіth suсh bеlіеf, thе dеmаnd fоr thіs tуре оf рrоduсе hаs іnсrеаsеd dеsріtе bеіng quіtе соstlу. 

Study .. Kiwi fights depression and physical exhaustion

Study .. Kiwi fights depression and physical exhaustion


New Zealand study revealed that eating kiwi fruit saves man from depression and relieve the suffering of physical exhaustion , Lima contents of vitamin "C" and antioxidants .
According to the site , " 24", The study was published in the newspaper " Times of India " was conducted on more than 54 people who are not accustomed to eating large amounts of vegetables and fruit , and the results showed that those who are accustomed to eating kiwi fruits felt better in easing bouts of depression and fatigue
The study attributed the reason for tying Kiwi combating depression it contains vitamin " c " , which activates enzymes that will enhance the mechanism of action of the body's metabolism , which leads to the granting of rights more energy to combat fatigue .

Strawberry Bread

Strawberry Bread
PREP 30 mins
COOK 45 mins
READY IN 1hr25 mins
Strawberry Bread
image source

Recipe by Ellen Rainey
" This is wonderful hot or cold, for breakfast or dessert . A definite family favorite ! "

Original recipe makes 2 9-inch loavesChange Servings
2 cups fresh strawberries
3 1/ 8 cups all-purpose flour
2 cups white sugar
1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
Oil 1 1/4 cups of vegetables
4 eggs, beaten
1 1/ 4 cups chopped walnuts


Preheat oven to 350 degrees F ( 175 degrees C). Butter and flour two loaf pans 9 x 5 inches.
Division strawberries and place in a medium bowl . Sprinkle with a little sugar , and set aside while preparing the dough .
Combine flour , sugar , cinnamon , salt and baking soda in a large bowl ; mix well. Mix oil and eggs into strawberries. Add strawberry mixture to flour mixture , mixing just until dry ingredients are moistened only . Stir in nuts . Divide the dough into the molds.
Bake in preheated oven until a tester inserted in the center comes out clean , 45-50 minutes ( test each pan separately). Cool in pans on wire rack for 10 minutes. Turn bread molds, and allowed to cool before slicing.

8 information about chicken you weren't aware of

8 information about chicken you weren't aware of 

1 . The chicken is an excellent source of protein . Protein has many functions in the human body , is the building and strengthening the muscles , bones , internal organs , enzymes , hormones , substances responsible for the body's immune and so important for hair ... this Eating chicken is important for all ages , and especially in the period of growth , in childhood and adolescence.
 2 . Chickens contain 20 % protein .
3 . Chicken contains a high proportion of iron. No source of iron better than chicken . Iron is important to build a device bloody . A decrease in the proportion of iron leads to anemia which symptoms : fatigue , head aches , hair loss , dizziness and lack of concentration.
4 . The risks of a vegetarian eating is the only incidence of anemia due to lack of iron .
5 . Chickens also contains many vitamins , including Alripovlaben , nicotinic acid important for the metabolism of the body, for the production of lipids , carbohydrates , proteins , for energy production , the process of cell respiration and etc. ..
 6 . Compound last and important , is only present in animal food , from including chicken , is vitamin B12. This vitamin is very important for the nervous system work properly , for the production of DNA ( genetic material ) , and the production of red blood cells. The lack of Vitamin B12 leads to anemia . Until the beginning of the 20th century was considered the cause of anemia and death of large numbers of the population , especially in third world countries because of poverty and famine , because of their unwillingness to eat meat, because they are vegetarians .
 7 . Cooked meat and poultry leads to a change in the building of the protein , leading to improvement in the quality of protein absorbed. During the cooking there is a decrease in water chicken . For this , the benefits of the chicken after cooking is greater than its benefits before cooking .
 8 . Contain chicken fat . Vary the amount of fat from one part to part in the chicken . In order to reduce the consumption of fat preferably removed the skin and all visible fat . After cooking the chicken fat in less than chicken .

Smoked salmon, dill and Kale Quiche

Smoked salmon, dill and Kale Quiche 

make 20 cm pie

Sour Cream Shortcrust
250 grams of wheat flour
200 grams unsalted butter , cold , cut into small cubes
125 ml sour cream

1 bunch kale
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 clove garlic, crushed
100 grams of smoked salmon , flaked into small pieces with a fork
1 bunch fresh dill , chopped into pieces
3 eggs
80 ml double cream ( pouring )
60 ml of milk
40 grams of grated parmesan
Sea salt and ground black pepper to taste

To make the sour cream broken :
Place butter and flour in a food processor and pulse until the mixture resembles fine crumbs . Add sour cream and continue to pulse until the dough begins to incorporate into a ball. Flatten dough into a disk, wrap the dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes or until firm .

Roll out dough between two sheets of baking paper until 3mm thick and large enough to line 20cm round cake tin based loose . Lift cake in pan , ease into the base and side . Trim excess dough. Refrigerate 30 minutes or until firm . ( I usually like to cover the dough with plastic wrap and freeze overnight. I think baking the dough when completely frozen helps minimize shrinkage. )

Preheat oven to 200 º C ( 180 º C or fan forced ) . Place the cake tin on the baking sheet. Line the pastry with a sheet of baking paper and pour dry rice or beans. Bake for 20 minutes or until light golden be . Remove the paper and beans / rice. Return to oven for another 10 to 15 minutes at Crisp. Allow to cool while we work on the filling.

To make the filling :
Reduce oven to 180 º C (or 160C fan forced) .

Remove and discard the stem kale. Chop or tear kale leaves into small small pieces.

Heat oil in a pan, add garlic and stir over medium heat until fragrant . Add the kale leaves and saute until the kale has wilted . Remove from heat .

Place eggs , cream , milk , cheese , salt and pepper in a bowl and whisk to combine .

Evenly distribute kale, smoked salmon and dill in pastry shell and pour over the egg mixture . Bake for 25-30 minutes or until firm and golden. Rest for 10 minutes before 

Foods That Helps Against MIGRAINE

Foods That Helps Against MIGRAINE

Quinoa: is a known super full of protein and nutrients such as iron , copper and magnesium. It is known to help relax blood vessels and reduce the frequency of migraines. It can also help with high blood pressure, which reduces the risk of heart attacks.
Quinoa ; image source wikipedia

Fatty fish :such as sardines , herring and trout are also known to decrease the severity and frequency of migraines. The research suggests that fatty fish rich in omega 3 can reduce the production of chemicals in the body that cause migraines. Eating a lot of fatty fish 2-3 times a week to treat migraines .
Fatty fish

Ginger: has a long history of relieving pain associated with migraines. It works as an anti- inflammatory and helps treat nausea often accompanies migraines. Research suggests ginger can also be used to treat digestive problems . Try gingernut cookies or taking ginger supplements .

Zingy salmon & brown rice salad

Zingy salmon & brown rice salad
Zingy salmon & brown rice salad

Prep:15 mins
Cook:25 mins
Skill level EasyServings Serves 3 - 4

200g brown basmati rice
200g frozen soya beans, defrosted
2 salmon fillets
1 cucumber, diced
small bunch spring onions, sliced
small bunch coriander, roughly chopped
zest and juice 1 lime
1 red chilli, diced, deseeded if you like
4 tsp light soy sauce


Cook the rice following pack instructions and 3 mins before it’s done, add the soya beans. Drain and cool under cold running water.
Meanwhile, put the salmon on a plate, then microwave on High for 3 mins or until cooked through. Allow to cool slightly, remove the skin with a fork, then flake.
Gently fold the cucumber, spring onions, coriander and salmon into the rice and beans. In a separate bowl, mix the lime zest and juice, chilli and soy, then pour over the rice before serving.
Recipe from Good Food magazine, July 2011

Foods That Help Against Common Cold

Foods That Help Against Common Cold

Garlic has been shown to reduce the chances of catching a cold , and can help patients to recover faster from cold. It is most effective when eaten raw , but you can buy capsules of aged garlic extract instead. Garlic can also boost your mood, repairing your body after exercise, and enhance sexual performance .

Fatty fish like salmon , mackerel and tuna - high in omega 3 help fight colds and flu. Research shows that taking fish oil supplements for a period of 3 months reduces the inflammation that causes colds and reduces symptoms of anxiety that weaken the immune system.
Fatty fish

Citrus fruits like oranges , grapefruits , lemons and limes provide lots of vitamin C. It has been shown to reduce the duration of a cold for about a day when vitamin C is consumed at the first sign of the disease. Vitamin C has also been found to reduce the risk of heart disease.

Citrus fruits

Foods That Help Fertility

Foods That Help Fertility

Maca is a root vegetable from the Peruvian highlands that looks like a radish . The plant is known as a natural Viagra and helps balance hormones and prepare women for pregnancy and IVF . Maca provides an instant energy boost and higher doses can have a relaxing effect on the heart .
image source 

Royal Jelly is a super food that can increase the quantity and quality of eggs produced . Women are advised to take royal jelly for more than 3 months prior to natural conception or IVF treatment . WARNING : Please do not take royal jelly if you are allergic to bee products .
image source:wikipédia

Shellfish contain vitamin B12 has been shown in studies to help strengthen the endometrial lining reducing the risk of miscarriage . Seafood is a great source of zinc and can be used to treat damaged skin after injury . It also plays a vital role in prostate health .

Foods That Help Against High Cholesterol

Foods That Help Against High Cholesterol

Almonds play a role in helping to lower cholesterol. Properties in almond skins protect against LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol) and may reduce the risk of heart disease. The fiber structure of almonds may also prevent weight gain . Try eating a handful of almonds a day .

Avocados have also been shown to reduce the production of LDL - the bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol which have slightly raised cholesterol. Avocados may also offer protection against breast cancer , heart disease and stroke and help digestion .

Beans and lentils have been shown to lower levels of bad cholesterol dramatically when consumed as part of a low fat diet. They are also rich in nutrients and preventive properties that help fight aging and diabetes. Try adding beans and lentils to salads, soups or stews.

Beans and lentils

Foods That Help Against Fatigue


Foods That Help Against Fatigue

Raw Chocolate and cocoa are known to increase energy and help brain function. Sluggishness and fatigue are a common symptom of magnesium deficiency in the body. Stay away from processed chocolate, because it is not as healthy for you as cocoa can also treat irritability.

Red pepper has been recommended to provide pregnant women with an energy boost. Red peppers contain iron and can increase body heat production and oxygen intake. They are also rich in vitamin C which contains almost 300% of the daily recommended during pregnancy.
Red pepper

Oats are rich in calcium, magnesium, vitamin E and vitamin B, potassium and protein and are a great energy boost. Why not start your day with a bowl of oatmeal to beat fatigue in the morning. Oats can also be beneficial if you are suffering from stress and can help improve your skin.




Dried prunes are a common remedy for constipation as they are high in fiber , potassium and vitamin A. The introduction of small portions of dried prunes in your diet can relieve symptoms of constipation. Other benefits include healthy vision and a lower risk of developing arthritis and cancer.
Dried prunes

Pears are another great remedy for constipation. They act as natural laxatives loosen stools so you can smoothly pass through the intestines. In addition , the investigation revealed that women who eat three pears a day compared with those who did not, consumed fewer calories and lost more weight .

Beans can prevent you from suffering from constipation and helps maintain a healthy digestive system. Baked beans are full of great nutrients to stay healthy including proteins , iron, calcium and fiber. But insoluble fiber in baked beans that helps protect the lining of the colon cancer .


Seafood and health benefits and aesthetic

Seafood and health benefits and aesthetic

Seafood is one of the most famous foods and delicious most consumed worldwide, it provides the main source of high-quality protein: accounting for 14-16 percent of the animal protein consumed worldwide, more than one billion people depend on seafood as their primary source of animal protein . That food allergies common in abundance of fish. The countries of Iceland, Japan and Portugal of the biggest consumers of seafood  in the world.

All aquatic edible can be referred to seafood, and there are over 32,000 species of fish. Making it the most diverse group of vertebrates. We will give you educate yourself on the site this month seafood and health benefits and aesthetic of each type:


1 . Shrimp contains protein with essential amino acid composition that is easily absorbed in the body. However , until now many people are afraid to eat shrimp because of cholesterol , and the fact that the levels of cholesterol in shrimp 'm not high .
 2 . Maintaining the health of the heart and blood vessels, so that the content of essential fatty acids would reduce bad cholesterol and prevent blood clotting .
 3 . Suitable for diet because it has a low power .
4 . Improve the various functions of vital organs in the body because of its content of vitamins.
 5 . Anti- toxins that are able to maintain immunity.
 6 . Contains mineral selenium , which helps neutralize the effects of free radicals , which are associated with cancer and other degenerative diseases , and prevent the onset of Alzheimer's disease.
 7 . Important for the growth of children to being overwhelmed by a high percentage of vitamin D and B12, and omega-3 fatty acids .
 8 . Prevent anemia and plays a role in the formation of red blood cells because of iron and zinc , which is available in it.
 9 . Maintain healthy bones and teeth and joints with vitamin D and calcium , and potassium high .
 10 . Shrimp has anti-inflammatory properties , which helps in reducing swelling of the gums .

WARNING: Excessive eating shrimp may become the cause of many problems, such as the formation of excess uric acid in the body , which in turn leads to gout .


1 . Helps the body absorb and utilize iron ( copper) squid can provide the body with 90 % of the copper , which plays an important role in the metabolism and the formation of hemoglobin and red blood cells. The lack of copper leads to infection Balonumeia .
 2 . Ease inflammation ( selenium ) who have arthritis , rheumatism to have low levels of selenium in their blood. In addition , selenium is also an antioxidant that can help relieve the symptoms of arthritis by controlling free radicals . Squid contain 63% of the selenium .
3 . Helps maintain the health of the skin , muscles , hair and nails ( protein ) protein is one of the essential nutrients needed by the human body to maintain good health . The squid is a very great source of protein that keeps the skin and hair , muscle and nails.
 4 . Treats migraine (vitamin B2) squid is rich in vitamin B2 ( riboflavin ) , and numerous studies have shown that squid contributes to reduce the duration of migraines.
5 . Builds bones and teeth ( phosphorus ) Just like the fish, shrimp , Valhbar also rich in phosphorus and minerals. Phosphorus, calcium helps build bones and teeth.
 6 . Help lower risk of heart disease (vitamin B12)
 7. Helps stabilize blood sugar levels (vitamin B3)
8. Boosting the immune system ( Zn)
 9 . Winning the nerves and muscles ( magnesium) squid is a good source of magnesium called " Meles metal " because of its ability to relax the nerves and muscles .
 10 . Helps to reduce the level of blood pressure . Being a good source of potassium Valhbar helps regulate blood pressure levels .
11 . It also contains vitamin C, folic acid , calcium , iron, and manganese .
12 . Used in the rest of the greatness of squid coast of the Red Sea for the treatment of wounds and ulcers because it kind of lime . The greatness of the squid is also called the San Sea . Warning if you are watching a good cholesterol level you have to consume less than the usual amount of squid due to the high rate of cholesterol in it.


1 - Oysters very rich fats ( omega-3 ) , one of the essential fatty acids that reduce the susceptibility of blood clotting and reduces the contrast of the risk of heart disease .
2 - shellfish is one of the richest sources of zinc metal , a key element for the production of the male hormone ( testosterone ) worked to increase sexual desire and relieve stress and improve your mood .
3 - Contains shellfish on the ratio of iron to more than one piece of grilled meat , twice the rate of time and a half , the 12 women conch provide nearly half of the daily iron they need .
 4 - is one of the nutrients is rich in protein, vitamin B12 , calcium, copper, selenium and iodine . And is famous for some of the countries of Europe as well , such as natural oysters (France ) and ( Italy ), where they consider the pre- food appetizers and main entrees luxury .


1 . Low in calories and fat : crab meat is the ideal food for weight loss . Crab meat contains only 98 calories and less fat than 2G . This also makes it an excellent food crab meat for heart health .
 2 . Contain omega-3 fatty acid : crab meat helps lower blood pressure , and therefore reduces the risk of heart disease and blood vessels. In addition , it increases the Alklolstrul good , and prevents blood Tgesr and promote resistance to infection .
 3 . Rich in protein , calcium, zinc , and free of carbohydrates : one meal of crab contains a protein 20G. This makes it a good alternative crab meat tuna . If you are trying to get enough protein , crab meat is free of carbohydrates , helps on the diet , especially if you're trying to lose weight, build muscle .
 4 . Natural source of certain vitamins and minerals : crab meat contain high amounts of vitamin B12, which is good for the health of the functions of the brain and nervous system. Vitamin A ( good for eyesight ) and C ( for proper growth ) , and vitamins such as thiamine (B1, to convert carbohydrates into energy ) , riboflavin (B2, for the manufacture of red blood cells ) , and niacin (B3, for proper digestion ) . Minerals found in crab meat include potassium ( healthy cells ) and sodium ( to regulate blood pressure ) and phosphorus ( for strong bones and teeth ) and calcium ( for the maintenance of public health ) .
5 . Low mercury content may avoid eating crab meat because of the fact that seafood contains high levels of mercury. Crab meat in fact contain low levels of mercury , making them safe to eat .


1 .salmon  Maintain the health of brain salmon rich Bomega -3 fatty acids , which are known to support brain function by increasing memory , and relax in the brain and prevent the emergence of symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.
2 . Improve the health of the eyes helps to improve eye health and prevent macular degeneration , dehydration and fatigue of the eyes.
 3 . Protecting the body against free radicals salmon a great source of selenium , a mineral that helps protect the body from free radical damage , which can weaken cells and makes them vulnerable to infections and other diseases.
4 . Reduce high blood pressure salmon helps in controlling high blood pressure . It also provides protection against heart attacks and stroke .
 5 . Prevention of heart disease Omega-3 helps in reducing the level of triglycerides , which in turn reduces the risk of heart disease .
6 . Protection of the skin is known that omega-3 also have an anti-inflammatory effect . He has the ability to protect the skin from sunburn and skin cancer as well .
7 . Protection of the digestive system , and prevent cancer salmon healthy for the digestive system and provide protection against some types of cancer . People who eat salmon have less chance of getting cancer of the breast , colon, esophagus , pharynx, mouth, pancreas, ovary , stomach and rectum.
8 . Reduce depression omega-3 in salmon help reduce depression and thus keeps the person in a good mood .
9 . Protecting the body against cancer, kidney salmon useful against kidney cancer . It is effective in defending against renal cell carcinoma .
10 . Reduce the risk of blood cancer eating salmon is also effective in reducing the risk of leukemia , and lymphoma .


1 . tuna contain omega- 3 is responsible for maintaining the function of the heart. This is because the content of omega-3 increases the concentration of HDL , or good cholesterol in the body , and suppress the occurrence of blood clots in the blood vessels , keeping the rhythm of the heartbeat. In addition to the other benefits of omega-3 is to prevent inflammation.
2 . Eye health to maintain eye health. Due to the presence of omega-3 it against macular degeneration , which causes deterioration of vision and may affect the loss of sight for those over the age of 50 years .
 3 . Cancer Prevention One study found that the role of the tuna is to prevent ovarian cancer , and pancreatic cancer , and a type of cancer that attacks the gastrointestinal tract , other ( cancer of the mouth , pharynx , esophagus , stomach , and intestines ) . Content of Omega-3 provides prevention of breast cancer and reduce the risk of leukemia in childhood.
4 . Increase the cognitive function of the brain omega-3 helps to improve cognitive function or functions of the brain , thus avoiding disease macular such as an imbalance in brain function or Alzheimer's because it helps facilitate blood flow to the brain and reduces the risk of inflammation, and provide signal reception is good for the brain , in people who suffer from Alzhemeir.
 5 . Maintain the stability of mood
 6 . Increase of insulin in the blood is recommended consumption of tuna for people who suffer from diabetes . Help regulate body weight and metabolism in the body through the secretion of the hormone leptin .
7 . Assist in the detoxification process selenium along with omega-3 found in tuna , is an important fuel for the production of gluthathione peroxidase type of antioxidants . Is an antioxidant necessary for healthy liver function , whose role in detoxification . Selenium also works to prevent cancer and heart disease .

Simple Vegetable Soup


Simple Vegetable Soup

top healthy eating

Serves 4

3 tablespoons butter
1 stock of celery
10-12 baby carrots or 1 large carrot
3 minced garlic cloves
2 red potatoes or 1 large russet potato
1 zucchini
2 roma tomatoes
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon pepper
¼ teaspoon garlic powder
2 ½ cups vegetable broth
1 ½ water
½ cup dried pasta
1 teaspoon basil pesto
¼ teaspoon dried basil
First, prepare all of the vegetables. Thinly slice 1 stock of celery, and 10-12 baby carrots, mince the garlic cloves, dice the 2 red potatoes, quarter the zucchini, and dice the 2 tomatoes.
Melt 3 tablespoons of butter in a large pot at medium heat.
Then add the chopped celery, carrots, minced garlic, ¼ teaspoon salt and ¼ teaspoon pepper – you will use the rest at the end.
Then add 2 ½ cups vegetable broth, 1 ½ cups water, and the 2 diced red potatoes, and turn the heat to high until it begins to boil then turn the heat down to medium high.
Once the potatoes begin to become tender – about 5-8 minutes – add the zucchini and the pasta.
Then once all of the vegetables are tender, add the diced tomato and spinach. Also, add 1 teaspoon basil pesto, ¼ teaspoon salt, ¼ teaspoon pepper and ¼ teaspoon crushed dried basil – crushing the dried basil helps bring out more flavor.
Continue to let simmer for at least 5-10 minutes or until you are ready to eat.
Enjoy with a sprinkling of black pepper and parmesan cheese.
*You could always cook the pasta separately if you know you are going to let the soup simmer for a while and you are worried it might become to mushy – or if you like to have the ability to add as much or as little pasta to each serving.


get shiny and beautiful thanks to proper nutrition

 get shiny and beautiful thanks to proper nutrition

healthy eating

A young and attractive always ! It's every woman's dream . With the advent of the first line of the wrinkles on her face , you realize how important it is to take care of their health and appearance . Here, age does not matter at all, it is important only to emerge is the best of a suit and the sweetest views , whatever the cost . Eternal youth is the real inner beauty , which is reflected on the outer beauty , if you take care of yourself from the inside , you'll automatically Tatnin your beauty outside . And soon notice View Gorgeous increasingly brighter , the eyes sparkle . Only Enjoy eating all the nutrients needed through a varied diet , eating liquids such as water and fresh juices that moisturizes your skin and keeps Ndautea and smoothness , also keeps the sheen of your hair and vitality , and of course the power of the nails. It is well known , that these simple things are the most important details of a woman's beauty .

List below , simplified and easy to schedule , shows you the types of minerals and vitamins that are reflected on the benefits of skin health and beauty in general :

Nutrient food sources aesthetic benefits
Zinc Zinc helps to gloss hair meat , eggs , seafood , liver , milk , wheat
Essential fatty acids maintain healthy hair and skin freshness . Reservation membrane cells and saves the skin from the harmful effects of the sun healthy oily fish ( salmon , sardines ), flaxseed and walnuts
Biotin helps manufacturing and the growth of cells, nails , skin , and hair. Protects hair from precipitation cooked eggs , meat , nuts , meat and liver
Protein contributes to building the body's cells , giving the hair every health milk and dairy products , meat , and legumes
Iron protects hair from precipitation and makes the skin Tfm health and freshness red meat , spinach , lentils
Anti- Taxdwitamenato C, A, E, selenium protects the skin from harmful environmental factors , nourish the skin and fights aging found in many sources are listed below
Vitamin C is responsible for collagen production and protect the skin from cracking and Alkhlayamn external damage sour fruit , strawberries , papaya , mango , tomato , green leafy vegetables , peppers , broccoli
Vitamin A plays a role in anti- oxidation , growth and renewal of the cells of the body ( skin and hair) Beef liver , fish oils , eggs , milk fortified with vitamin A carrots , broccoli , spinach , red and yellow peppers , apricots , mango .
Vitamin E protects cell membranes and protect it from environmental factors and aging vegetable oils , peanut butter , fortified breakfast cereals , whole-grain products , seeds, nuts (especially almonds and hazelnuts )
Selenium improves skin elasticity and reduces the harmful effects of the sun's rays nuts , tuna , meat , seafood , and products from whole-wheat grains ( such as bread and brown bread , bran ) .
Lycopene Lycopene is characterized by being one of the articles of the anti -oxidants cells tomatoes , pink grapefruit , guava , melon , papaya , watermelon, apricots

Eat foods rich in anti-oxidants ( vitamins E, C and A and selenium metal ) that will help in the fight against environmental factors , stress , and aging .
Good advice:

To revive the beauty , you and characteristic of the nutritionist for you

Blend fruit rich in all the elements of nutrition believe you need vitamins C, E, A and beta -carotene island Beta Carotene, mineral acids, selenium and omega - 3 fatty acids.

Put the following contents in a blender and blend Enjoy healthy fruit with a friend :
• two piece of cold lemon , peeled and sliced
• half a grain of cold mango , cut into small pieces
• ½ cup of frozen unsweetened strawberries , sliced
• medium-sized piece of fresh carrots , peeled and grated
• ½ cup of skim milk and a good radiator • tablespoons oats
• tablespoons ground flaxseed
• a tablespoon of lemon juice
• teaspoon honey

The real secret is no secret at all , but is that good nutrition is containing all the vibrant cuisines with vitamins and minerals that meet the needs of your skin daily food . In order to keep you trim and your youth and freshness to your skin and your body , Make the sport movement and permanent part of your daily activities .

Benefits of Orange

Benefits of Orange:

Benefits of Orange
1 - filtering the blood and kills the worm syrup and wholesome .
2 - orange juice removes fever and kill it, and helps to drop the temperature as a result of fever .
3 - expels phlegm , and is useful for cleaning the pharynx and larynx.
4 - diuretic and cleanser of the college and the bladder.
5 - laxative and removes waste the stomach and intestines and cleans .
6 - orange helps heal wounds and cure skin diseases and is useful for high blood pressure .
7 - strengthens the stomach and strengthens teeth and removes some of periodontal disease in the mouth and heartbreaking gravel and sand Ivebha and expelled from the body.
8 - orange juice and tonic and appetizing , especially to those who complain of anemia .
9 - strengthens the nerves , heart, hypnotic and soothing and comfortable for the brain .
10 - Orange strengthens bones and nails , hair and teeth and reduces the proportion of fat ( cholesterol ) .
11 - regulates the respiratory system of the teeth .
12 - Anti- against cough and influenza.
13 - oranges helps to expel gases .
14 - Orange regulating the work of the muscles and the veins increases calcium .
15 - against venereal disease and syphilis and some venereal diseases .
16 - useful for skin diseases and scabies .
17 - useful for tumors of the uterus , ovary and urinary tract and prostate .
18 - useful for situations retching ( vomiting ) .
19 - Orange good for curing tumors arthritis , gout and romatisme and hardening of the arteries .
20 - helps to eliminate the effects of poisoning as a result of the use of chemical drugs .
21 - strengthens the nervous system and the digestive system and is useful in the treatment of tumors of the seat and hemorrhoids .
22 - prevent a lot of cancers .
23 - Orange juice beneficial for diseases of typhoid .
24 - useful for people with a bad cold and the flu .
25 - oranges factor is useful to eliminate some of candidacies to the reproductive system in women and juice handy and compensates for the mother's milk .
26 - a useful and wholesome and perfumed with power.
27 - oranges good medicine and is useful to remove the gums and mouth sores .
28 - benefit of the use of orange peel over the burning of coal in terms of protractors covers the smell of orange peel smell of pure coal .
Benefits of Orange

Benefits of strawberries

Benefits of strawberries

1 - natural teeth whitener

Strawberries contain the organic acids work to whiten teeth by removing lime accumulated around when ingested , can be used instead of industrial and Candida , which is made up of chemicals that do more harm than good , unlike strawberries , which works to strengthen the gums and mouth infections treated .

2 - anti-oxidant

Strawberry consists of a large number of elements of anti- oxidant , and the one who makes the fruit most useful for the prevention of serious diseases , the most important disease, cancer, and heart disease , also resist the signs of aging.

3 - strengthen bones

Many food items are available in strawberry , such as magnesium , potassium , manganese and helps to strengthen bones , and contribute to the formation of building super powers , especially for children.

4 - useful for diabetics

Strawberries contain a ( 5 % sugar ) , a small percentage of fruit makes it ideal for diabetics , also rich in strawberries ( Alkirsatin ) , which are resistant to the symptoms of diabetes , is the most important injury of the retina, and kidney injury .

5 - promotes eye health

Of the most important benefits of strawberries is to prevent injury to human disease, cataracts , and also help to protect the eye from UV exposure to sunlight directly where the works of vitamin C , which contain him strawberries to protect the eye from harmful rays is also working to strengthen the cornea and retina and Tqoathma .

6 - Anti-Wrinkle

The richness of strawberry vitamin C makes them rich material ( collagen ) , which loses the skin gradually with age , it helps to improve the elasticity of the skin and maintain the youth and freshness of the skin .

7 - to protect the kidneys

Strawberries good for Paul diuretic so it helps a cup of strawberry juice on the protection of the kidney stones .

8 - Treatment of diarrhea

Treated material ( tannin found in strawberries cases of diarrhea because it is a holding material , and the material substance Alkirsatin effective anti -virus software , which is considered the main cause for the occurrence of diarrhea .

9 - regulate blood pressure

Potassium helps available in strawberries to control blood pressure , it is an ideal treatment to reduce high blood pressure as it is the most famous fruit benefit for heart health .

10 - useful in systems Splenda

Few calories kinetic located in strawberry fruit makes it one of the most used systems in the diet because they help maintain a healthy weight and ideal 

Recipes and drinks to remove the inactivity and laziness

Recipes and drinks to remove the inactivity and laziness

1 - milk :

Drink a glass of milk in the morning and can sweeten with honey .

2 - Lemon:

3 lemons cut and then boiled in water and shown natural honey and drink it warm cup a day.

3 - orange peel :

Taken orange peels and dry milled at a rate of two tablespoons per cup of water , bring to boil and then cool down and drink .

4 - natural pineapple juice .

5 - natural orange juice .

6 - tangerine juice ( Tangerines )

There are also some foods that benefit

All of us come to him at some moments feeling of laziness and lethargy and inactivity , if it happened tried eating some of these foods that help the body to restore energy and vitality

First: dark chocolate

This chocolate contains a high percentage of cocoa and be free of milk and are also rich in iron and magnesium which help to fight fatigue and exhaustion .

Second bananas

Is one of the most rich fruits Erbojedat so he prepares the body and a strong dose of energy released very slowly from feeling tired .

Third: sardine

Is one of the iron-rich foods , which thus provides energy , which also contains a high level of omega fats that are considered essential fats for the functioning of the brain , which also helps to improve mood.

Fourth: Sesame

Is one of the foods rich in magnesium , which is a necessary element to release energy in all cells of the body , so the oldest advice to eat a handful of sesame seeds every day to supply the body with energy , especially women, because their bodies lack the presence of magnesium element as required.

Fifth: whole grains (not shelled )

Bread -rich grains and seeds helps to release energy , but less quickly than other types but is considered an important element to provide the body with energy when feeling sleepy during the day.

Benefits Of Drinking Warm Lemon Water

Benefits Of Drinking Warm Lemon Water

Start the day out with a mug of warm water and the juice of half a lemon.
It's so simple and the benefits are just too good to ignore. Warm water with lemon:

1. Boosts you're immune system
Lemons are high in Vitamin C and potassium. Vitamin C is great for fighting colds and potassium stimulates brain & nerve function and helps control blood pressure.

2. Balances pH
Lemons are an incredibly alkaline food, believe it or not. Yes, they are acidic on their own, but inside our bodies they're alkaline (the citric acid does not createacidity in the body once metabolized). As you wellness warriors know, an alkaline body is really the key to good health.

3. Helps with weight loss
Lemons are high in pectin fiber, >>> * which helps fight hunger cravings. *It also has been shown that people who maintain a more alkaline diet lose weight faster. And, my experience is that when I start the day off right, it's easier to make the best choices for myself the rest of the day.

4. Aids digestion
The warm water serves to stimulate the gastrointestinal tract and peristalsis the waves of muscle contractions within the intestinal walls that keep things moving. Lemons and limes are also high in minerals and vitamins and help loosen ama, or toxins, in the digestive tract.

5. Acts as a gentle, natural diuretic
Lemon juice helps flush out unwanted materials because lemons increase the rate of urination in the body. Toxins are, therefore, released at a faster rate which helps keep your urinary tract healthy.

6. Clears skin
The vitamin C helps decrease wrinkles and blemishes. Lemon water purges toxins from the blood which helps keep skin clear as well.

7. Hydrates the lymph system —

the top 5 fruits rich in dietary fiber

Here are the top 5 fruits rich in dietary fiber to facilitate the process of digestion and keep your digestive system .

1 - Alrasebre

Comes Alrasebre or red berries on the top of the list of high-fiber fruits . Contains per cup of Alrasebre to 8 grams of dietary fiber on average, more than a third body needs daily . It also contains Alrasebre also an essential nutrient for promoting the health of the body as vitamin C, vitamin B complex , manganese , copper , magnesium and iron. As well as containing antioxidants , which helps protect the body against many diseases such as diabetes , cancer , infections and diseases associated with aging .
2 - pear

Pear is a natural laxative , which contains a large content of dietary fiber , particularly fiber insoluble . Medium pear fruit contains more than 5 grams of fiber 0.3 grams of which is soluble . Where she works insoluble fiber to withdraw water from the intestine into the food , to make it more fullness and helps to speed up the movement of the intestine. For these reasons , so eat pears is very useful for the inhibition of appetite, weight loss and treatment of constipation. It is also excellent to adjust level of blood pressure and cholesterol and prevention of infections .
3 - Cranberry

Add a handful of cranberries to the yogurt or authorities , to get massive amounts of dietary fiber and natural nutrients to your diet. Contains one cup of cranberry on 4 grams of dietary fiber, which is more than a quarter of the needs of the body of vitamin C, K, and manganese . The Cranberries anti-inflammatory and helps to prevent against cancer . It also contains the Filawoonool , and antioxidants , which help reduce cholesterol levels , fight infection and prevent the growth of tumors .
4 - Grapefruit

Grapefruit from foods that help to control appetite. It also helps to promote metabolism , especially for fat burning . Besides , it contains a vast amount of vitamin C, folic acid , lycopene , a nutrient effective to reduce cholesterol levels and stress , is also working to delay the effects of aging and prevention of bacterial and fungal infection .
5 - Peach

The amount of dietary fiber in the Peach vary depending on the method addressed . Do not contain fruit fresh peaches on more than 2 grams of fiber . But cooking with peaches , it helps to extract additional amounts of dietary fiber up to 8 grams per cup of cooked peaches . Peach , thereby acting as an effective treatment for constipation and gastrointestinal disorders .

the benefit of eggplant


the benefit of eggplant 

If you are like eggplant and this is good if you're someone who does not love him Identifying the health benefits may motivate you to love eggplant or at least addressing the benefits. And you will learn about the benefits of eggplant together in this article.
1 - iron, calcium and other minerals in the eggplant is important for the health of the body with the wonderful taste of the eggplant , which fit in all the recipes .
2 - eggplant contains a chemical plant nutrients improves blood circulation and nourish the brain , most of these substances exist in the crust of the eggplant so preferably eaten and cooked in shell to get the maximum benefit from it.
3 - eggplant contains a fiber that govern the operation of the digestive system and there is a study confirms that the eggplant protects against the risk of colon cancer .
4 - Eggplant few calories and contains no fat , gives a feeling of satiety for a long time , does not cause weight gain and does not cause high blood sugar .
5 - eggplant used for centuries in the treatment of diabetes , and recent studies have confirmed this because eggplant contain little fiber and carbohydrates .
6 - eggplant has a role in protecting the heart because it reduces cholesterol in the blood , eat eggplant is useful for patients with heart condition or non- fat prepared by frying in oil.
7 - eggplant contains a chemical plant materials regulate blood pressure and prevent injury, nervous tension .
8 - eating eggplant regularly maintains the fluidity of blood and prevents the risk of blood clots and the eggplant to contain vitamin K , which prevents blood clots .

The Living Healthy With Chocolate

The Living Healthy With Chocolate

Next time you eat a piece of chocolate, you may not have to feel overly guilty about it.

Despite its bad reputation for causing weight gain, there are a number of health benefits associated with this delicious treat.
Chocolate is made from tropical Theobroma cacao tree seeds. The earliest use of chocolate dates back to the Olmec civilization in Mesoamerica.

After the discovery of the Americas, chocolate became very popular in Europe, and its demand exploded.
Chocolate has since become an incredibly popular food product that millions indulge in everyday for its unique, rich, and sweet taste.
But what effects does eating chocolate have on our health?
The potential health benefits of chocolate Dark chocolate Throughout the years, chocolate has been on the end of a lot of bad press because of its fat content, and its consumption has been associated with acne, obesity, high blood pressure, coronary artery disease and diabetes.
However, "the recent discovery of biologically active phenolic compounds in cocoa has changed this perception and stimulated research on its effects in ageing, oxidative stress, blood pressure regulation, and atherosclerosis.

Today, chocolate is lauded for its tremendous antioxidant potential.

The potential benefits of eating chocolate are said to include: lowering cholesterol levels, preventing cognitive decline, and reducing the risk of cardiovascular problems.

Chocolate may lower cholesterol levels

Chocolate may prevent memory decline

Chocolate may prevent stroke

Risks and precautions
Chocolate has a high caloric count, which contain large amounts of sugar. Therefore, if you are trying to lose weight or maintain your weight, you can be a good idea to set a limit on the consumption of chocolate. The large amount of sugar in most chocolates can also be a cause of dental caries.

In addition, there is research that suggests that chocolate can cause poor bone structure and osteoporosis.

A study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, was conducted to identify the relationship between chocolate consumption and bone density in older women.

“The Living Healthy With Chocolate”, features over 100 of the best recipes I’ve ever made and all are Paleo-approved, gluten, grain, soy and refined sugar free.

the health benefits of fasting

U.S. study reveals the health benefits of fasting========================

A team of American researchers and Italians out studies on " how to use the fasting in the treatment of certain diseases."Demonstrated that fasting for two days lowers calories , which increases the amount of nerve cells that activate nerves .According to the site , " Arabian Business " has the study revealed that fasting for a long period of up to ten consecutive days with a diet built on vegetables helps arthritis patient to reduce the pain caused by them , as well as the case of diseases own heart , and that the benefits of fasting also appear on patients with high blood pressure , in the case of fasting for 12 days .The study pointed out that fasting the day of each month reduces the danger of suffering from diabetes by 40 % ; where the body produces cholesterol which is used as a source of fat for energy instead of glucose ; making fat cells in the body decreases .Also, the fasting protects against some cancers , which has the same amount of chemotherapy for breast cancer , skin and brain ; Fasting for five days, helping to slow the growth of cancerous tumors .It is noteworthy that the Japanese study was conducted on 380 patients with certain mental illnesses such as depression and a nervous breakdown , and they applied the system of fasting for 110 days have succeeded in getting rid of these symptoms by 87 % .

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